I received a January British camera magazine and it lists the pre-order prices for the new 2.8 MKll Canon 300 and 400mm lenses. Initially I would expect them to be high, but not this high.

The 300mm 2.8MKll is available for pre-order at 7400 pounds, in Australian dollars(for me) that is $11246. The Australian dollar has reached parity with the US dollar, so US prices and Aussie prices are getting closer.

But that is more than twice the price of the current 300mm 2.8. WOW.

The 400mm 2.8MKll is available for pre-oreder for 10000 British pounds. Or $15200. Not twice the price but getting close.

Is this standard pre-order pricing practice, orhas this retailer gone nuts? Or has Canon?

The 300mm and 1.4 combo, was looking appealing, I love the pictures posted on this site from the 300's. But not at these prices.

Back to reality, still hoping for a 100-400 upgrade or a 500 5.6 or a 400mm upgrade.

Keep saving.
