<h2>[url="http://www.canonrumors.com/2010/11/no-1ds-iv-cr1/]No 1Ds IV? [CR1][/url]</h2>
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  • <li class="time"]November 9, 2010
    <li class="category"][url="http://www.canonrumors.com/category/photography/canon-1ds-mark-4/]Canon 1Ds Mark 4[/url], [url="http://www.canonrumors.com/category/photography/canon-5d-mark-iii/]Canon 5D Mark III[/url], [url="http://www.canonrumors.com/category/photography/canon-medium-format/]Canon Medium Format[/url]
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The hits keep on coming.

It has recently been suggested to me that there will not be a 1Ds Mark IV at all.

The 5D Mark III (or whatever it&rsquo;s called) will be aimed to take over the market for 1Ds users.

I know a couple of 1Ds3 users that are using 5D Mark II&rsquo;s most of the
time now. Both folks say if the 5D3 ups its build quality and AF,
they&rsquo;d never buy a 1Ds again. If it&rsquo;s priced at under $3000, a lot of
people will probably feel the same way.

The same person says it&rsquo;s possible that a new camera at the top of
the lineup aimed solely at the medium format market, but not a medium
format camera, will come to fruition. The design will be a radical
departure (possibly modular).

CR&rsquo;s Take

We&rsquo;ve heard rumblings about this in the past.

Canon fans say all the time that they want Canon to be &ldquo;revolutionary
again&rdquo;. However, when a rumor points to a big departure (which doesn&rsquo;t
happen frequently), it&rsquo;s generally put down for being untrue or

I have a lot of trouble seeing a point to the 1Ds line as its
currently implemented, I&rsquo;d say a radical departure is a strong
possibilit <span style="color: #ff0000;"]cr

If so what would the price for a 5 D Mark III be. Or will there be a 4 D Mark I in order to keep features and price of the cameras in the right order. Let&acute;s see what comes out.

Roland Scheiner