There was no dedicated hood available for that lens. If you look closely at a [url="]larger image of the lens[/url], you can see that there is no bayonet mount at the front of the lens to accept a hood. It has 52mm filter threads, so you might be able to get a 52mm screw-in hood that would work. However, the lens has a recessed front element, which supposedly eliminates the need for a lens hood.

[quote=Jan Paalman]It's in the review. The ET-67.[/quote]

Jan, there have been three Canon EF 100mm macro lenses:
[list][*]EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro -original version (non-USM), released in 1990 and discontinued in 2000[*]EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM - released in 2000 and still available (but discontinued on some country-specific Canon websites)[*]EF 100mm f/2.8<span style="color: #ff0000;"]L Macro IS USM - released in 2010[/list]