I took the 7D mounted with my 500mm F4L out today. This is the first day I had a chance at checking the AF Microadjustment at Plus 1. I didn't find a lot of wildlife to shoot today, so in the mid afternoon I decided to do a few test shorts. I had the set up mounted off camera, with a wimberly bracket that attaches to the plate. I attached the 580EX II by cord, HOWEVER the flash I had turned off. It was not turned on in these pictures. Thus the mystery?

The first picture, is the mystery. It was a blue bird sunny day with the sun directly overhead. Each of these two pictures were taken seconds apart. The two posts are less than four feet apart from each other and fairly close to me (but far enough they were past the minimum focal distance, Adobe Bridge says 5.9 meters for the one with black bokeh and 6.1 for the one with brown) with the sun slightly to my back and left. The one that has the black background, the post was slightly closer:


The Data from this one: F4.0 1/1600 ISO200 Data shows Flash OFF, Metering Mode Evaluative, WB Auto

Now the second:


Now other than being shot 20 seconds apart, and a slight file size difference the data is identical.

So the mystery I am trying to figure out, how in the world did I get the background to go black in broad day light without a flash. I would have understood this had it been a bad exposure, but the post shows up.