Hi all. So I'm trying to figure out what macro lens I want to get. I've read all the reviews here several times. The Canon 100mm L is out of my price range. I've had some experience with the Tamron 90mm, and found it adequate, but didn't find it totally satisfying.

Does anyone have experience with the Tokina AT-X 100 PRO D? I have the Tokina 11-16mm, and am quite satisfied with it, and that's making me consider their macro lens as well. most reviews I've seen are pretty good, with the one knock against it being a slow AF. But the AF limiter seems to help a bit. I'm just wondering if the canon 100mm non-L is worth the extra $120. I'm most interested in using the lens outdoors, in the daylight, but I'm a little worried that a slow AF will make it harder to photograph plants or quicker insects, etc. Any help picking a lens (or a cheaper hobby) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Oh, and this is for use on a 7D.