I'm having a hard time thinking if I really needto add an135/2L to my kit for portraiture. I now already have an 85/1.8 and a 70-200/4L IS to take care of the traditional focal length of portraiture(85mm~135mm). If I get the 135/2L I think I willbarely use it for anything else but people's shots, and I feel that I'm free to move if my 85/1.8 is not long enough. So my question is, would there be a noticeableimage quality jump as to move from 85/1.8 to 135/2L and is there any bokeh difference between these two lenses? I guess if I want to maketheSAMEhead&shoulder portrait shot with both lenses at the same aperture setting only working distance will differ, maybe less stuff in background is included due to longer focal length of the 135/2L but not essentially anything else (like the degree of blur), right?

FYI, I have an 1V-HS and a 50D with 16-35/2.8L II, 24-70/2.8L and those two lenses mentioned above as my kit. I shoot portrait with both cameras but I sometime feel 135mm to be long on a 1.6x body. That won't bother me if the 135/2L produces noticeably better images and 135/2L on film will feel like a 85/1.8 on my 50D. The 200/2.8L is certainly too long for this purpose in my taste, regardless how good it is.I'm also notworrying about the focal length below 85mm.

Thanks folks!
