Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
1. Read out the pixel nondestructively (i.e. read without reset) four times (instead of just once like normal) and average the four values together for less noise.

In some applications in which dynamic range is important, speed does not matter. Why isn't there a "landscape mode" or something with super low read noise? I would use it even if it took a second (or maybe even much longer) to read the image if it gave me very low read noise (and thus a few stops more DR).


Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
You can accidentally underexpose a D700 ISO 100 photo by *SIX* stops (or more), boost it back up 6 stops in post, and still get a nice looking image in post. If you tried the same thing on Canon the result would be total garbage.

I looked at DXOMark. They give the D700 a dynamic range score of 12.2 stops and the 5DII a score of 11.9 stops. Doesn't this mean that the D700 has only 0.3 stops more dynamic range? What am I missing? (One way to reconcile this would be that the canon exposes for more highlight headroom than the Nikon, but I don't think that is true).