Hey Ben,

nice decision you have to make here []

I have recently shot 2 ice-skating events. One time I borrowed my friends 200mmL 2.8 and shot the entire thing at f4. The second time I had my own 70-200 F4L IS.

Honestly I thought it would be a lot better since I would be much more versatile with a zoom. Well, that's also the down-side I see now. The shots that I've made with the prime are much tighter and better composed, whereas with the zoom I think I got lazy and didn't dare or was to slow to compose tighter. It caused me a big increase of post-processing time.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is that the 85mm might sounds bad for certain circumstances because of the versatility. It might be more versatile than you'd think. Also for the candid-shots at weddings I love the fact that I can use my 50mm f1.4 and don't need a flash to shoot indoors. It gives very nice natural lighting and most of the time people are too busy to notice you. I think the 85mm would be a great candid-lens.

The 70-200 would be a little bit better than the 70-200 f4L IS that you have right now. Personally I don't need the F2.8 aperture, but that 1 stop of light could make the difference. It is a nice lens, but it's also a BIG lens, which would make candid-shots a little harder on you. Plus indoors even f2.8 often doesn't take it without a flash.

On the other hand it would be a great lens also to shoot some motorcross. However f4 would probably work most of the time as well.

The Sigma is really cool. I have used it for like half an hour, but it was nice. Very wide and much better than a fish-eye if you ask me. The distortion is also very limited. I was expecting the Canon 17-40 to outperform the Sigma, but in the end it was the other way around. It does have a mig front-element which can't be protected by a filter. That might be a bad thing.

Since we don't have really wide views out here, 12mm wasn't useful to me. 24mm is wide enough on 9/10 occasions for me.

Oh and I think the Sigma can also do some crazy motorcross photos. It gives you a crazy wide perspective. Very cool.

What about the Canon 85mm f1.8 by the way? You could buy that one and combine it with the Sigma.... Or the Sigma 85mm 1.4? etc etc...

Good luck chosing,
