I'm shooting my second wedding in two weeks, at the same church as the first. I have an XSI, 17-55 2.8 EF-S, 85 1.8, [oh, and the 18-55 kit and the 28-135], a 270EX, and I am planning to rent a 70-200 2.8, a 28 or 35 L, and a 580EXII. I will also rent a second body, and I'd like advice on what to get. Since I have a bunch of SD cards and batteries for the XSi, I'd love to get a camera compatible with *both*, yet that is also an upgrade in terms of ISO, autofocus system, etc. from the XSi.

Does that exist? Right now, I have a 60D on reserve, but I think it takes a different battery.

PPR has the following Canon gear: ppratlanta.com/canonrental.php


