
I'm sure this isn't the forum to get any prudent advise in regards to practicality and frugality.. but here goes.

Last year I was sporting a Rebel XT with nothing but a kit lens. I have since been on an upgrade path that has been extremely rewarding. I started with the nifty fifty. Was THRILLED that I could take some of the lower light shots of my daughters that I was struggling with before. Then, rather than getting a new body right off.. I decided it was time for a serious lens upgrade.

I purchased theCanon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USMand was BLOWN AWAY by the image quality difference vs the kit lens (18-55 non IS). I Also purchased the new Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6 SP Di VC USD XLD, my first telephoto.Shortly after I bought, with much excitement, the EOS 7D and my Vanguard pistol grip ballhead tripod, followed by the Speedlite 430 ex II and the canon battery grip.

My local shop just ordered me the 100mm f/2.8L macro as well. (! so excited)

Here's my dilema: With me being a single parent my tax returns are going to be astronomical this year. I'm getting a little over six grand. (before you say it, the 500mm is out of the question. I have other things to purchase as well.) A few days ago I went on a shoot in search of bald eagles and had some success. Posted below is one of my favorites of the day.. it was handheld at 300mm with 100% crop.. and that's what's causing concern in my mind. I absolutely love my Tamron. They really got this one right.. I have used this lens for mostly wildlife.. and it just doesn't seem to reach long enough for me. I'm seriously considering selling it after just one month (with amazing pictures to show for it) for something with more reach. Any thoughts on what I should try and get for it? I purchased it for $450 with a $50 mail-in rebate. I was thinking $375 shipped.. $350? No idea.

I'm thinking that there will be aCanon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS USM in my bag as a replacement. I'm torn! I have very little experience with the 100-400. Only ever looked through someone else's viewfinder.. and that was on a 5D so it was still in the same ballpark as my 300mm on my 1.6x 7D. I am IN LOVE with the Tamron.. the VC does an amazing job stabalizing my photos. So I guess I'm looking to people with experience with the 100-400 to talk me into it. A big consideration for me. The Tamron 70-300mm is effectively 112mm-480mm and the 100-400 would be 160mm-640mm on my camera. (unless I completely misunderstand the way that works.)


Okay.. So I'm looking for things I may have overlooked.. "stop talking and buy the damn thing already"s.. Any wisdom or thoughts on the subject.

Thanks in advance,
