It seems that there are now three apps for the iPad designed for calculating the best time of day to get your shot at a given location, and it's far from clear to me which I should get. At between £3 and £5.50 I don't think we should all have to buy every app to decide which is best.

The three are:

1. Golden Hour (looks a little basic graphically but has what could be a very useful bookmarking function preloaded with renowned photographic locations around the world)

2. LightTrac (looks quite good but doesn't appear to have been updated September 2010, so maybe since iOS 4.2 was released so may not support multitasking; also I don't trust paid-for apps that don't release updates soon after a new iOS is released)

3. The Photographer's Ephemeris (has lots of funky features, including calculating when the sun will appear from behind a hill etc. Not sure if it has such good bookmarking functionality though. Also more expensive than the other two).

Does anyone have any experience with these? Or does anyone know of any comparison reviews? I've not been able to find anything much using Google - only reviews of the individual apps saying how great they are but no comparisons.

Thanks in advance