Up early this morning and headed out to Cedar Point Nature Trail. I arrived about 30 minuted before Sunrise with the Crescent Moon and Jupiter dominating the eastern sky. To bad I wasn't set to take a picture of that scene.
Started hiking back on the trail where my first encounter was a Snowy Egret. It was still about 15 minutes before Sunrise but I managed to get a few pictures anyways. Then it flew off so I continued on deeper into the estuary to find more objects of interest. Then about a 1/2 hour after Sunrise I started hearing the familiar call of the Clapper Rail. I hear them quite often, but rarely get a chance to actually see them.
I slowly and quietly approached the area where the sound was coming from. Barely visible, she was hiding just off a muddy path near to the water within the tall marsh grasses. Then to my surprise she decided to come out and give me a chance to get some pictures. At first she started to head away from me, but then after a few minutes and as long as I remained still she returned. Eventually nearly walking right up to me.

I have never seen these birds stay in the clear for so long, or even allow anyone to get so close. I spent about 15 minutes knelt down on the wet muddy path with this bird and got 99 shots before I moved on.

None of these shots have been cropped.

Clapper Rail.