Does anyone own or know a good tablet to use with a DSLR? I'm interested mainly in getting the images from the camera to the tablet and reviewing them and deleting bad shots, maybe rating them and cropping or minor edits. 10" should be good size. Android would be great as an OS since the iPad is way too closed in my opinion and doesn't support plugging in anything without some adapters and what not Best would be if I could just plug my camera to the tablet via USB and transfer the images but I'm willing to make do with plugging a card reader to the tablet. Also support for external 2,5" HDD's would be great since the tablets don't have too much memory to store photos.

Feature list I would need:
  • ~10" screen with a decent resolution
  • Good battery life
  • Ability to act as a USB host (preferably plugging the camera straight in for downloading images, but also for external HDD or card-reader)
  • Ability to review and sort/delete images and maybe some light editing like cropping etc. (this should be a software problem)

If someone uses a tablet like this or knows of one that might work that would be great!