Everyone, thanks for posting so liberally on this thread! I'm new to the forums and this thread, and I love the feedback you guys give on all the photos. Photography has become a hobby for me and I'm really starting to enjoy the results. Please be as liberal with the critique - it's how I learn best!

Question: What are the general rules and/or etiquette to follow when posting photos taken of other people or their kids? I often take photos of friends and family and would love to get professional feedback on them but don't want to be disrespectful of privacy. For instance, I will never post any portraits publicly on Flickr without having consent.

Now, for my best current shots, I put my new 60D (yeah baby!) to the test this weekend with my existing Tamron 18-270mm DiII as well as my new Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II and EF 85mm f/1.8 USM lenses. I'm somewhat color blind and it seems to have me prefer vibrant colors, so please let me know if I've gone overboard on any edits. I mainly use Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5.

Rusty old Dodge out in the wheat fields around Douglas County, WA:

EOS 60D, Tamron 18-270mm DiII @27mm, 1/125s, f/14.0, ISO 100

HDR of the sun setting behind a lookout point on the local ski hill new Waterville, WA:

EOS 60D, EF 50mm f/1.8 II, f/8.0, ISO 200, Tripod (HDR created in PS CS5)

Taken from the same vantage point, no HDR this time:

EOS 60D, Tamron 18-270mm DiII @18mm, 1/30s, f/11.0, ISO 200

Take Saturday on the ski hill. Not sure what flowers these are (got to ask my mother-in-law again), but they sure were pretty:

EOS 60D, EF-S 18-135mm DiII @135mm, 1/250s, f/5.6, ISO 2000

Again, not sure what this one's called, but it's in my mother-in-law's front yard, taken Sunday morning:

EOS 60D, Tamron 18-270mm DiII @270mm, 1/160s, f/11.0, ISO 3200

And finally...I just had to get one posted of this daredevil crop-duster:

EOS 60D, Tamron 18-270mm DiII @270mm, 1/400s, f/11.0, ISO 400

Thanks for looking!