So i'm a Gentoo Linux user, I use Digikam for getting photos from my camera, Gwenview for viewing the JPGs, and the UFRAW plugin for the GIMP for converting RAW shots.

Only problem is, whenever i convert a RAW, it looks nothing like the JPG that comes out of the camera (7D, set to standard picture style 3,0,0,0) . See the pic attached for an example, a screenshot of the UFRAW plugin in the foreground, all on default settings and 'camera WB', and the actual camera.jpg in the background.

I haven't got a shot of after i've played with the settings, but no matter how much i play with the white balance, contrast, saturation, i can never make it look as good as the camera jpg.

Anyone have any hints (or just a complete noob's guide, which i clearly am) for using UFRAW? i've done the requisite googling, but i can't find a nice easy how-to...

I do intend to try the instructions here for installing canon's DPP when i get back to Aus and can borrow my mum's winblows laptop to install it and copy the files over (also, there's a version of photoshop there i want to try in wine). But for now i'm stuck with ufraw, and it would be cool if i could figure out how to use it properly...

Also, i've read things about using 'input colour profiles' copied from DPP, but again, can't do that until i get dpp working...

ps, if anyone wants the RAW file to help me out, more than welcome if i can upload it somewhere...
