My son and his mate, have been in the good old USofA for the past two weeks or so. He flew from Brisbane and eventually landed in New York.

They were there less than 24 hours and both had their iphones stolen. Being 24 and knowing more than me and just about everyone else, they had not told their Aussie banks that they were going overseas, so when they stuck their cards in the ATM's the bank just shut their accounts down. So in New York, no money, no phones, no luck.

They lasted 3 days there, went to Miami for a week and have been in Vegas since. They were supposed to be renting a car and driving around California for 5 days or so, but the last contact from him this morning was, that they have decided to stay in Vegas for a few more days. They said it is very hot. I hope they are not wandering around in the desert.

Do you think they could be having fun yet?

This is them leaving Brisbane, if any of you guys spot them, say G'day for me.


It is winter here and they are rugged up Brisbane style.
