I just got back form a vacation to Asheville, NC. Fantastic place with great food, scenery, outdoor activities... I rented the Sigma 8-16 for the trip and thought I would post a few of my shots from the Biltmore Estate.

It's a tricky lens to use around anything with straight lines, but it was fun to experiment. Nice colors and pretty sharp, although you really have to watch the histogram with this one. Shooting in RAW saved lots of shots too.

These are from my 7D. C&C welcome! Thanks for viewing.

8mm, ISO 100, f/11, 1/160 with .67ev (the lens notoriously tends to underexpose).


8mm, ISO 100, f/11, 1/125 with .67 ev


16mm, ISO 100, f/11, 1/60 with .67ev


And from the back of the estate...8mm, ISO 100, f/11, 1/125, .67ev
