Just want to say thanks to everyone who helped me make my decision. I went for the 15-85mm and I bloody love it. I ordered it on Tuesday Night last week at about 2300hrs and it arrived at 1200hrs on the Friday of the same week using Digital Rev (£530 all incl.).

I took it with me to my Dad's apartment on the Kent coast and got some lovely shots of his dog, even in pretty low light (thank-you IS). I do however now want to consider either a good flash-gun or a faster lens purely for indoor action shots.

Anyway, a selection for you:



Ah, just remembered I ran out of space on Flickr, I've got some more varied ones that I couldn't upload. I will add them at the end of the month if anyone's interested.

Would also appreciate any comments or critiques on my flickr page now or in the future, so please feel free to add me and drop me a comment.