As some of you may know, i've just moved back to Australia after a few years in Europe.

The other day I was going through my cupboards, and found this negative. It was the first shot i ever took that got entered into a competition (of sorts), it made it to the final shortlist-round but not into the final 12 (the winners went into a Calendar).


I've spent the last few hours figuring out how to use my mum's scanner, haven't used my gitzo blower as much on my 7D sensor i think. I've only scanned the negative thus far, and not all of it (the original was square, top and bottom are missing a tiny bit), and this is a (smallened) version of the JPG i got out of it (also have a 76MB 4800dpi tiff, although that's so overkill)

I'm not sure what i want to do with it, whether i could clean it up a bit, colour enhance, sharpen, print it out big (although i still have the roughly A3-size print i got from the comp), or whether i should leave it grainy and au naturale. Comments and suggestions are welcome (and sought for).


and rather than tell you how i took it, i thought it'd be more fun to let you speculate on what camera i used (and how old i was at the time)...
