I am looking for a "walkaround" type of lens that would be an upgrade for my 18-135 kit lens for my Canon 60D. The pictures we take are usually single person portraits in landscape settings. Occasionally we do those arm length couple shots using the remote since strangers who use pocket cameras never seem to be able to take pictures with our camera. "But I heard it click!" They say..

We've gotten some great results from the 18-135, but wonder if there is a better lens out there. (Im sure there is)

Is there a wide angle lens with a zoom that would be a good upgrade? We like the wide angle for the landscape/full body portrait shots, but the zoom for things like distance photos of kayaks on a river.

The portrait distance is about 5-10' usually, the zoom distance can be 10-50'.

Ive read about 17-40 lenses for landscapes, but they dont appear to zoom, and I suspect will cause distortion in people.