Here's a sample of shots from yesterday's EAA air show. Unfortunately, some crazy wind rolled in and canceled the show mid-way through, so most of what I saw was old warplanes. But the crazy Oracle bi-plane's show was amazing, and he was in the air when the major wind rolled in. With such a strong wind, he was able to make the plane hover almost vertically for a good 30 seconds -- I mean full stop in mid-air. Pretty impressive, but unfortunately completely lost on still photography!

All shots with 7D and 70-300L, which proved to be an excellent air show lens.

The Oracle plane...


I think these are old Chinese & Russian warplanes.


An electric plane/glider with a retractable motor that pops up right behind the cockpit.


One of 6 Aerocars from the 50s or 60s. We saw it on the ground in car form too.


F-A18 and ___ (I forgot, but it's the only one airworthy in the world).
