With the wealth of talent and knowledge out there, I recently suggested to Bryan (our webmaster and provider of this great service--The Digital Picture) that he add a link to photographic tips and techniques by the forum members, similar to what he has included under "Tips" on the home page. He seemed to agree and ask that I assist and compile this info for easy upload to the site. I gladly accepted.

I know many of you have provided tips, techniques and recipes for your methods of capturing and processing great photographs, packing for a photo shoot or essential equipment for any particular photographic genre, etc. I thought it would be handy to be able to reference these tips without having to remember where and when they were posted.

I have seen many of you post great tips and techniques and am asking that anyone willing to submit thier photographic methods, submit them to me via PM. Again, this could include methods for a particular type of subject, post processing, rules for equipment etc---virtually anything that could help another photographer in their quest.

Joel, you are the first one that comes to mind and I am going to pick on you and ask that you submit your Photoshop recipe for isolating your subject and your techniques for shooting songbirds.---I have learned so much from you--I am sure others would love to know your processes and techniques.

Ben Taylor, Your night sky photos are wonderful please feel free to formalize and submit your recipe success.

Sean, You seem to be the Strobist of the group, please share some of your secrets.

There are so many others out there that have something useful to offer----Please do so, even if your techniques conflict with the norm--ultimately, it