Hi everyone. Last night I experimented for the first time with shooting star photos. When I loaded the shots into LR3 and had a look at them I noticed something a bit strange and all I could think of was "hot pixels". Is this what I'm seeing? Posted below are two consecutive shots and what I notice the most is pin points of "light" particlarly in the trees to the left of center. Flipping back and forth between thetwo shotsthe pin points move with the composition.

Anyhelp/guidance would be most appreciated. I'm a little worried that maybe its the sensor. Or is this normal?

5DII, 24-105mm @32mm.

In Custom Functions "Long exp NR" was on Auto and "High iso speed NR" was disabled.

1. 8sec, f/5.6,iso 1600


2. 13sec, f/5.6, iso 1600


Thanks in advance,
