Hi All -

I just thought I'd throw this question out there for discussion! If photography is your profession, do you put the camera away at the end of your work day? If it is a hobby, do you just shoot occasionally? Or, do you shoot every chance you get & if you are not shooting you are editing or on sites like this one, reading and talking about photography?

For me, it is the latter and I am trying real hard to bring it down to more of a very occaisional level and wincing at the withdrawal pains!Case in point, I very, very recently became a grandmother again and for nine months could not wait to take some professional looking photographs of my new granddaughter! Especially since I was still using a point and shoot when my other grandchildren were born! Well, to put it mildly, my oldest daughter does not like my new found "obession" or anything I produce from it. She says all I do is snap photos and I don't actually just sit and visit with anyone anymore! So, to keep her happy ...to date, I have not taken one photograph of my new granddaughter! [:'(] She will give me photos she has taken w/ her p&s or that she has done "professionally" ...but it's not the same!

Maybe I DO need a 12-step program!