I love how everyone is responding to this thread! I have lots of reading to catch up on! I was just able to quickly scan thru the last few entries but I will go back and read them more thoroughly tomorrow. I am dealing with a very sick dog tonight

I would LOVE to have my grandbaby for overnight or a weekend but unfortunately my daughter would never go for that One of the reasons being, she really does not like dogs! How this happened I will NEVER figure out since I am an over the top dog lover (another obsession) and my other children love dogs too ...and to be honest, so do my grandchildren! But she will not let my older granddaughter go near them except when she sneaks her little fingers thru the gate! Shhh ...don't tell her mom! LOL!

Today, I received "professional" photos of my new granddaughter in the mail! All I could think of was, with everything everyone here taught me on an earlier thread about taking newborn photos, I could have done that and better!