I have a Canon 100mm macro lens, which is neither the L version, nor the recent USM version, but an even older one.

According to the Canon camera museum it is this lens:


I however have trouble putting an exact value on the lens. I'm not even sure whether it was a common lens or whether it has some vintage value or not. It is quite hard to find listings on Ebay for this lens one of the very few I found was this one for around 310 euros: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Canon-Makro-Macro-Objektiv-EF-100-mm-1-2-8-/300594694016?pt=DE_Foto_Camcorder_Objektive&ha sh=item45fcd70780

Then again there is another listing where it did not sell for the equivalent of 250 euros: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Canon-EF-100mm-f-2-8-Macro-w-caps-EXC-/270814628530?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item3f0dcf4 ab2

Has anyone had any experience with the price of this lens, or has some idea of how much it is worth?
