Photography is a hobby for me with some local sales to replace lost lens caps and such. Perhaps when I retire from my day job in 20 years or so, I could see doing it more for extra money. I was a professional Videographer on the weekends throughout college.

Denise, that's a bummer about your photo restrictions. Perhaps you could negotiate, lets say 120 frames/year limit (10 shots a month)anda Holiday exception. It's too bad, because they will really be missing out in the long run and the kids will be missing out too. I think they will come around, just give them a little break for now.

My father was into photography when I was a child and we haddark room in our house when I was growing up and I have a ton of baby pictures to show for it and I really appreciate that now.

I have the opposite problem, my family wants me to bring my camera with me all the time and then they don't stop bugging me for the images (which I admit I am very slow at getting them the images, whereas3-12 months isn't unheard of for me), so now I am more selective in where I bring my kit.
