"B&H has the Canon EOS 1D Mark IV in stock. Add the 1D IV to your cart now and check out at 8:15 PM EDT tonight when B&H reopens for orders." Why, why, why? Recently I have been content with my kit--I do have lots of good stuff---But deep down inside, I really, really want the 1DIV, but...Like I said, I have been content knowing thata new1DIV has beenOut of stock or difficult to get ---Now just about the time a I am fairly happy, Bryan goes and shows us this. And for only $4999 it too can be mine After the 500mm and the 50 f1.2 this year, I think it is best to keep the wallet closed and not even hint to the wife that I am considering the 1DIV-She would probably make me sleep in my doghouse blind that is currently set up in the back yard. (Hmmm, wonder what kind of deal I could get on a second mortgage?). I have no real purpose for this post other than to vent to someone who might understand---Please forgive me.

Seriously, Bryan noted some good deals on the Canon refurb site--and he is correct, several really good deals on lenses. So if your in the market, check out Canons refurb site.
