Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

The 1D IV is a worthy upgrade. Is it worth $3500 more than the 7D though? I think everyone's answer would vary depending on their situation. My answer was yes, but more peoples answer would be no.

I agree. Most of us here do not make a full time living with our cameras, so for most of us, this isn't a business decision, it's a "desire" decision. We desire the camera, we desire a chance to improve our keeper rate and we desire to have the best (depending on your genre) and....there is a little bit of "Hey Guys---Lookie what I got in the mail today" so, really it's just a matter of finances (unless your wealthy)---Is this camera worth what you will have to sacrifice in the future---for many of us, this answer is yes, for others--no----But ultimately, and for the purposes of many, the 1DIV is just an awesome piece of equipment. Second to only one otherSLR and that would be this:
