I have been toying around with the idea for a new business. "Youth Sports Photography" I went and shot a couple of games and have had a couple of sales and this idea is starting to generate interest and invitations to shoot more games. The idea is to shoot action only at live games. I have been to several youth, jr. high and high school football games but haven't seen any photogrpahers on the field. So I shot a couple of games and published the good shots on my webpage via password. I passed out the access info to parents and coaches and am starting to get some calls and invitations to shoot more games.

The basic Idea: Quality photos of your kid in action on the field

The method: I shoot the game, process the images and upload to Zenfolio, and the parents can decide what shots they want and what media to present them on. i.e. photos, coffee cups, t-shirts, wall stickers, etc

This seems to be a popular idea among the few parents and coaches i have had contact with but not really enough to justify the time and expense---

What I would like to do is display photos as I shoot or even display example photos on the field via slide show and would like your ideas of the best way to present images and slide shows in the field.

I am a PC user, so thats all I know, but you Mac guys have peaked my ineterest so I am considering one of the Macs for two reasons----1. I am curious to see if they are as good as many of you say and: 2. I need a platform I can easily transport, has good battery life, displays images well in sunlight and can take the rigors of this type of use.

The Mac Book Pro looks very good, but it's pricey.

The Macbook Air also looks good, but I question the speed of its performance and storage capacity and is it "Tough-Enough" to do this kind of work---It just looks fragile

The I-Pad looks very convenient, but again, 64 gig isn't much storage and I also question its survivability in the field.

So, for you guys that have experience with the Macs please give me your opinion.

If others have recommendations other than Mac, I would be interested in those as well.

Here are afew of shots of my last game, do you think parents would be willing to pay for this type of service?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
