Dear Photographers with Canon lenses - about Canon EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II compared to Canon EF 70-200 f/4L IS USM?

I purchased both lenses but I am quite sad to say that my expectations for the performance in IQ with the new 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II-version COMPARED with my excellent 4L IS USM is in experience a great disappointment to me!

Is it possible that my lens is so called "soft" one?

I find it hard to get sharpness. Has anyone here on this excellent forum experiencing this kind of disappointment.

I read somewhere on Internet that the 4L IS USM version has one FLOURITE lens element! Is that really true? and that I could not find that the version II of the 2.8L IS USM had one?

Last week I went to the Canon service with my lens and told them that I can not achieve true sharpness with the lens. So I have to wait if they will find anything wrong with this one - but for me - I find my self not really trusting Canon well known quality anymore - should not we expect perfect items when we buy a new lens?

I would very much appreciate your experiences in comparison between these two lenses above!

Best Regards,
