Hey everyone!

I'm thinking about getting the new Canon S100 when it comes out! I like the current model, the S95, but it's lacking 1080p video, and it's only 28mm wide (which in my opinion, isn't really "wide")

I'm hoping that we can stir up some convo about other contenders. I know the Lumix LX-5 and the Olympus XZ-1 are similar, and Nikon just released the P300. The P300 I think is the least competitive, mostly because it doesn't support RAW, and the JPEG noise-reduction on it isn't very good. That alone kills it for me!

Does anyone have anything to say about the S100 (positively or negatively?) and are there other cameras you have that suffice for the same use or do you have your eyes on one in particular?

I want something I can slip in my pocket and is FAST and yet I can get creative with!

- Jordan
