Hello all, I am in the process of setting up a backup plan for my new desktop. I was originally backing up to two small portable HDD's when I just had my laptop, using the included backup software. I never created disc images though (i know... I know...). I recently put together a desktop that I am using for editing now that I am shooting more. I have a 1.5tb inside as my main boot and storage disk. I also have an older 750gb internal that is currently empty, and I just purchased two 2TB WD externals.

Now, for my questions, what should I use to actually do the backups? Ideally I would like to set up my empty internal drive to automatically back up my files, and set up the externals to clone my boot drive regularly. What would you suggest? I have used Clonezilla, but I would prefer to not have to go through that process on a weekly or bi monthly basis for cloning.