Since I am not formally trained and still lack experience and knowledge in many areas, I am always looking for great video tutorials (I tend to learn more from video, than reading). I have often paid for short term subscriptions to just to learn a little more about software and have even taken a couple of online classes. But, Like most of you, I would prefer to spend my money on equipment, So I am always looking for a good free video to help shorten the learning curve.

Secondary to Bryan's recent posting about Canon's Professional Network's new website, I looked around and found thier Master Class Tutorials and WOW---very helpful for a variety of genres. What really impressed my about these tutorials is the authoring photographer's explanation of useful and often prefferred setups including a variety of custom functions that are beneficial for certain types of photography.

So, If your looking for a little help and advice for your type of shooting, Check out the Master Classes on Canon's Professional Network site.

Here is the link
