I don't pretend to think this isa technically worthy photo but a Canadian Lynx in NE Mn is rare. This was taken during a February '09 camping trip near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, NW of Ely. He/she gave me little time to mess with camera settings while attempting to stand somewhat still on snowshoes. Actually it's probably a good thing as I often screw them up the more I tinker. We have a domestic cat and the difference in size was remarkable. While they overtly appear similar, dimensions seemed all awry when I was looking at it in person. If you note closely you'll see an area of hyperpigmentation in the left iris. This is an iris nevus according to the U of M School of Veterinary Medicine. Our state DNR wanted to know if I'd "tracked the cat". I explained that I probably couldn't track a snowmobile driving through the woods in winter, let alone this lynx. It's better to be lucky than good. gary

40d, 70-200/2.8 IS at200mm, Tv at 1/800, f/5.6, ISO 400, center point AF, and spot metering
