Hi everyone,

One of the benefits of the new forum software platform is that the Tapatalk mobile app is now supported. Upon the recommendation of Neuro, I have added the Tapatalk plugin to the software configuration. Neuro has been testing the app is has not found any problems to this point, so ... here is the canned intro from Tapatalk:

Tapatalk is a forum app on the iPhone, Android, webOS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry. Tapatalk Forum App provides super fast on-the-go forum access to majority of the discussion forums that has activated the Tapatalk plugin.

Showing New and Unread Thread with Avatar and Number of reply:

Images in the thread are converted to thumbnail and allow full-screen viewing

Ability to see Who's Online and what they are doing:

Ability to search by topics and posts:

Ability to upload images directly from Android and iPhone!:

Forum Moderation support:

Check out http://www.tapatalk.com for more information!

The Tapatalk app costs $2.99 (this site does not gain from the app sales).

Note that The-Digital-Picture.com Community (with the dashes) is the name to look for.

Best regards,
