
Looking for some advice. I'd like to purchase a moderately wide prime lens for my 5D and have narrowed my choices to the two lenses mentioned above. I'm sure many have had a similar dilemma, so I'm posting to see if anyone has any advice.

The 28/1.8 has similar build quality to the 85/1.8 which is a lens I absolutely love using (it's actually the reason I bought a 5D - wanted to use this lens more!). So the build of the 28/1.8 is very appealing. However, various reviews on this site and elsewhere are less than complimentary about its image quality. However (part II), I have noticed that a lot of user reviews of this lens are much more positive about the lens than the "official" reviews are. I am far from a "power user" - just an enthusiastic amateur. I'm wondering if the IQ will be just fine for me.

The 35/2 on the other hand is nicely reviewed for IQ by many sites. This site did not think it was a good option for full frame, but that review is in the minority. Also in looking at the test charts for that lens, I wonder if The Digital Picture was using a bad copy of the lens - it is truly horrid in the corners. User reviews of this lens are also very positive. What holds me back on this one is the build quality - it's been said to be similar to the 50/1.4, and that lens just broke on me! So that gives me pause. I don't care about the sound of the AF motor, I just care that the thing won't break when it gets bumped or jostled like the 50/1.4 did on me.

Any advice anyone has is welcome. Please don't suggest an L prime - I know those are better but I do not have the budget.
