Welcome to the forum from me also Rich! Always great to have direct input from the developer.

I would also be interested about the time it takes to add a new body as neuro asked.

Bob, about your point number 5. Up to five bodies are supported. You just have to register all of the serial numbers. Check the bottom of the purchase page on the website for more info. This was a major factor to my decision of buying the software since I will most likely get a full frame camera at some point in the future (5D3 where are you!?!?!) to supplement my 7D.

Dr Croubie, the lease of the process (my laziness) was the major deciding factor for me and also as you say the doubts about my own ability (especially with a DIY test target setup) to correctly read and adjust the focus. When I get a laptop for loan from my sister I will calibrate the 70-200mm (needs a larger space than I can achieve with the camera tethered to my HTPC) and will post more thoughts about the software. I think the software asks the registration at the first start so you could theoretically test the installation and running (very limited, just the starting) of the software without needing to purchase.