I currently own a 5D and a 28-70 f2.8, 17-35 f2.8, and a sigma 12-24 f4.5-f5.6. I absolutly love my 5D, espiecially the colors and tones i get out of it, i know it's not the greatest way to describe it, but it's like slides. I need something with higher frames per seconds, weather proofing and a vertical grip. So after considering a 40D or 50D, which i'm not found of because of the 1.6x crop, I looked at the 1D mkII.

My question, how do the images LOOK compared to a 5D, i don't mean in size, i understand the crop factor and the lower resolution and the slightly less good high ISO, but i mean the look and feel of the images, particularly the tone and colors and the depth of the image. Do the images look flat? Is it very close to the 5D? Not at all? The best would be for someone who's shot both to have a couple images to compare them...

Thanks so much!