I just received a Canon 40D as a gift with EF-S 17-85mm IS lens. This is all I have. Really. I just switched from point and shoot so I am really "green". I apologize if my question will offend you but I could really use some help from you wonderful people....

I have been reading up on some lenses and I have a budget of aproximately $1,100.00

When I take my camera out to play (this is really what I do right now, I am soooo far away from taking the great images you all great people take, sigh), I feel like my lens is "too short" to catch my husband and dogs when they are in the distance and take nice pictures--well at least aspire to, LOL.

I gather I have what is called a general purpose lens, but is it good enough? I am considering getting 50mm f/1.4 prime for portait or fun pictures inside or just for testing ....but that will happen at Christmas. Unless you recommend otherwise.

So my question is...what should I get? I am not going to shoot insects, I do not care about taking pictures of birds, but trips to the park, backyard, beach, my two bulldogs just frankly not moving much but sleeping 20 hrs a day (I could hire a painter to capture these buggers, not sure I need high speed camera, LOL)... I just want a very good lenses I can grow with when I finally learn how to take pictures (still slaving through manual of my camera and very confused with everything, Ugh). I think when I finally stop obsessing and being scared, I may take interest in taking other kind of pictures and the resources will finally be there to go for a better cameras or lenses. For now I need to take it slow-er in order not to feel overwhelmed.

Please help one very confused woman. You can be as nice or as mean as you want, I can take it and I have no intention to respond impolitely. I will respectfully take EVERYONE's advice to heart. Thanks in advance.