
I just received an 85L f/1.2 (work's not mine). I noticed that the out-of-focused objects came out more blurred in my image than in my viewfinder. Playing with the DoF preview button I noticed that I have essentially no intensity change in the viewfinder wider than about f/2 (even though I can see the leaves of the iris closing - and a beautiful mechanical device it is). Is the problem the relay optics in the viewfinder? If the optics along that path are f/2 then I guess I will never see a proper preview faster than f/2? The body I was attached to was a t2i btw. Do other bodies have faster viewfinders?

Of course, there's always live view and that's how I plan to use it in the project I purchased it for. Actually, live view x10 piped through HDMI to a 30" television. That's my focus mechanism . I was just hoping to get a better sense for the object-to-background blur in the camera image as I am composing.