Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky View Post
I would almost be crazy enough to say to buy a second t2i with a different focusing screen just for fast lenses
Another perfect excuse why I need to upgrade my body AND my lens... (somehow I don't think my wife will buy this argument). I don't think I'd be interested in a full frame unless it was body #3 (assuming I keep the T2i as a backup). I shoot 90% sports or children playing so frame rate is king. Sure I wouldn't turn down a 5D II but I wouldn't buy one. Now, the 1DX does everything I want in a camera - somehow I don't think the misses will go for that one either.

In terms of shooting with the 85L f/2.1 I doubt I'll use it much. It's going to get incorporated into an experiment and stay there. I was just doing some ... testing - you know, to make sure the lens works and all that... (even though it's going to get parked at minimum focal distance and set to manual focus for the rest of its life).

Thanks for the info on the screens. That's good to know regardless.