I, too, am planning to get the 5D Mark II as soon as possible. Early indications are that the sensor is only slightly changed from the 1Ds Mark III, with a more transmissive CFA and 80 extra masked pixels. I would have purchased a D700 long ago if Nikon had any fast wide angle lenses like the 24mm f/1.4 and 35mm f/1.4. Now I'm looking forward to a nice increase in resolution.

The video feature is also very interesting to me. I'm going to try and use it with my XH-A1, but I'm concerned about the poor manual controls and image quality issues (noise reduction, compression, moire, skew, poor headroom, etc.). I can't wait until the RED Scarlet comes out this Summer. I'm planning to get the 2/3" with an 8mm f/1.4.

Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters
If there was a full-frame lens that was truly comparable to my 17-55mm, I would have waited to upgrade to the 5D Mark II.

For me, the 24-105mm f/4 L IS is a far better lens. When light is ample, you can stop down to get the same deep DOF as the 17-55 on an APS-C and slow the shutter to gather more light in total (same light intensity over a larger area). If you don't mind having a thinner DOF, you can shoot wide open at f/4.

In low light situations, the f/4 L casts a half-stop more light than the EF-S (less light intensity over a larger area). The only time it will collect the same amount of light is if you stop it down to get the same deep DOF as the EF-S in low light, when you can't compensate with shutter speed. In that case, the sensor with higher quantum efficiency per area will gather more light, and the 50D is currently the highest Canon DSLR.

I don't know if that helps you feel any better about selling the 17-55 or not. :-)