Quote Originally Posted by Oren

Hey BES. To be honest, since you keep saying that you still don't even know what effect the f/number has for example, I suggest that before you are making any buying decisions, spend a bit more time both on this site and with your camera. Read the Bryan's reviews here, read this: [url="http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials.htm]http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials.htm[/url]

and don't forget to ask all kind of questions.

Lastly, I want to warn you... even though what I said, once you'll know all this stuff better, not only that it won't be easier for you to decide, but it'll actually be much much **MUCH** harder [img]/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img]
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Agree 100%. I am very new at this and I need all help I can get. I am very confused but I keep reading up like a fiend. The problem sometimes is with (please do not laugh) trying to understand complex technical concept of photography in english with camera settings in english when english is not my first language. So I suck a bit at this technical stuff untill I get comfortable with lingo. I think it is going to be simply like learning another language. Once I get used to vocabulary, I hope it will all come together, like with everything else. But at this point I am making a very s-l-o-w progress as I have to stop and think what the heck I am reading and to translate it in my brain into something that makes sense in "real" world". I may need to look for a forum for morons, LOL.