So here's my problem,

I took my camera (a 40d with a 17-40L) treeplanting this year and today...well...while on a gnarly cutblock I tripped and fell and my camera hit a rock and the lens body broke off completely from the lens mount. Its a clean break and I can fit the two pieces back together perfectly making me think I could just glue it back together but I got an 'error 01' when I tried to see if would autofocus still. So a connection somewhere is broken or I don't know what.

My question is basically, is there any hope for me getting this lens fixed or am I screwed. This is really crappy because I bought this lens specifically to bring treeplanting and two weeks in I'm already dead in the water and out what is (for me at least) a fairly pricey lens.

Any suggestions as to what I can do?

Thanks in advance, this is easily my favourite photo-forum...