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Thread: Rigidly mounting an odd combination: T2i + 85L f/1.2

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  1. #31
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    @DrC thanks for the heads up. I was totally unaware of that lens. See I should have asked all of you first! I've got the 85 f/1.2 on my camera now and it's performing far better than I could have ever hoped so I'm happy with things so far. However, now that i know that lens exists I will have to find a use for it...

    p.s. if you only illuminate only with green light and you operate at the minimum focus distance of the 85 f/1.2 the final resolving power is not limited by the lens but by the sensor itself even wide open - at least for any current-generation EOS (the 4.3 micron pixels on my T2i are about as small as they come now). I may have to go get some crappy cell phone sensors just to find where this lens falls apart. The blue light focuses reasonably well but the red isn't close. It's at least half a pixel off! *sarcasm off*

    edit: dumb question, how can a lens with a 52mm thread and an 85 mm focal length have an f/1 aperture? Ah, it can't image to infinity so it doesn't need a full 85 mm clear aperture. I'll shut up now but will leave this edit in.

    edit 2: Apparently it's 0.9X to 1.1X so not a very large range. That makes the overall field of view not much more than 15mm (for my case) whereas my customer has decided 75mm is more appropriate.
    Last edited by ChadS; 02-14-2012 at 07:49 PM.

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