Quote Originally Posted by ahab1372 View Post
Thanks Dsiegel and Bob,
the picture is certainly not exceptional, but I was happy to see that guy around scaring the pigeons away. I also like to see wild life (other than pigeons) being able to adjust to suburban areas.


Me too. Especially in my backyard. It just seems to increase the opportunities to score a decent shot. I have a copper's Hawk that frequents my neighborhood and polices the dove activity. I always get excited when I see him, but have yet to get a really good shot. When I started putting out birdseed and suet, I thought it would attract a variety of songbirds and woodpeckers. Instead, it just increased the number of sparrow, finches dove already visiting. But....since their food supply is more abundant now, I seem to get regular visits from raptors, inluding: Cooper's hawks, Northern Harriers and even a mississippi kite. But I haven't seen any redtails or owls--Perhaps this year.