Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
Indeed. Why is running under the tripod legs such a fun game for toddlers?!?
I do that now! Mostly because I'm amazed that I can fit under my tripod (and I'm 6' tall!)

It's a pretty hard decision you have really. As mentioned by W349 - Canon has thrown a spanner in the works for those tossing up between the two by making the 5D Mark III an (apparently) top notch camera.

For me, if I were in the position where the price difference wasn't the deciding factor I would go for the 1Dx. I shoot with a grip 100% of the time as well so the size wouldn't be an issue. In fact, I would really love to have an integrated grip rather than the bolt on. I was using a friends 1D IV a few weeks back and the build quality really is a step above, everything just feels rock solid and I would expect the 1Dx to carry on that path.

The multiple exposure feature on the 5D III is one thing that would put it on top of the 1Dx. I think that has huge potential for landscape and architecture photography. I'm looking forward to seeing how it actually performs and it would potentially save a lot of leg work in post.

The winning feature of the 1Dx over the 5D III is the ability to spot meter off individual focus points. I would love to have seen that on the 5D III but I guess there needs to be some compromised to separate the two models.

In saying that, the Canon website states (with regard to metering):

iFCL Metering with 63-zone dual-layering metering sensor
The EOS 5D Mark III features Canon's multi-layer 63-zone iFCL (intelligent Focus Color Luminance) Metering System that integrates the cameras AF system into its readings. By taking into account the color and luminosity surrounding the chosen AF point(s), this new system delivers an entirely new level of accuracy, especially in situations where the light changes quickly. The metering sensor enables evaluative, center weighted, partial and spot metering, plus offers 5-step exposure compensation for perfectly exposed images, every time.

So it appears that the metering systems will kind of 'preferentially' meter based on information gathered surrounding the focus point used. Will be interesting to see some more info on this as it comes to hand.

I'm still undecided as to whether the 18MP of the 1Dx is a tad low for my taste. That should mean that noise quality will be excellent at higher ISOs but I would have thought their front line camera would be up high enough to push the resolving capabilities of the L series lenses. I do heavily crop when required and in this regard I appreciate the 22MP I have available from my 5D II files.

Look, their both amazing looking bodies. It's like putting Jessica Alba and Scalett Johansson side by side and telling you to choose between the two. One's a tight, perfectly formed machine and the other has a few more curves with some bolt on accessories. You can decide which is which