I would like to get opinions on if I qualify for CPS membership ...I am looking at the Gold version for $100 annually. I have the gear to meet the points required. I'm am not sure on the other requirement ..." Membership is available to individuals (self-employed or employed with a professional imaging company) who play a direct role in the creation of moving or still images on a full-time basis".

I by no means mean to offend, minimize or insult the professional photographers on this site and I know I do not fall within your skill of expertise in the field of photography. I am just wondering if I would qualify for this membership offered by Canon to reap some of the benefits from it. Heaven knows, I have spent enough on their products in the past two years!!

I do have a website set-up to sell my photos and since I have no other employment at the moment and I did sell something on my site last week ...even if it was to my daughter ...LOL, does that qualify me enough for the membership????

I emailed Canon this morning regarding the problem I am having with my 580ex II speedlight and am waiting on a response. I am just wondering if it would be beneficial for me to have this membership before they do any repairs. The repair could be done at a discount price and then I would still be able to get the other benefits of service.

If I could and did sign-up for the membership, does it take effect immediately? Now that they know about the existing problem with the flash, would it still be covered if I sign-up after they knew the problem existed?

