So most of you probably haven't heard of this, but the Aussies around here probably would have.
3 of the ABC (Australia's) best newsmen were killed in a helicopter crash last year, a reporter, a cameraman, and a pilot. Read about the full story here. Anyway, the last images and stories they were working on have just been released as a book (that first photo looks amazing). Nice tribute to the three of them.

Anyway, got me thinking about a bit of a morbid subject, what would you like to happen to your pics if that were you? Would you want them published (including possibly raw-processing and manipulations on unfinished shots)? Delete the whole lot? Would you want to be remembered as an artist in this way? Are your photos even worth thinking about, there's a lot more important things like the wife and kids etc (Or are you like me, once the shutter's been pressed then the fun's been had, move on to the next shot and don't look at most of them again?)

I'm reminded of Franz Kafka, one of the greatest writers of about 100 years ago. He left in his will specifically for his friend to burn all his books and manuscripts and writings. Instead, this friend published them, so now the rest of the world knows how great a writer he was. How would you feel?

Anyway, no specific questions, just musings, I open up the floor to the rest of you...